Keeping you up to date here, I just wanted to pop in and give you the latest. Although still extremely busy, I'm finding little bits of time here and there to get things rolling again for the film. Right now I'm re-typing the script into Celtx because - unfortunately - I had a little accident with the other computer I was working on in which my hard drive crashed and I lost EVERYTHING!!! Thankfully I had printed out a copy of the script though so it's just a simple matter of typing it back in. Then I'll start working on the scenes and characters again, but it shouldn't take as long this time as I know more of what I'm doing and have more experience AND...
My other piece of news was that I've got help!! =) William and Beth Ashton have offered to help with the production process also which will really boost production time!!! Of course we're still going to be working at our own pace and I can't promise when the film will be done because we also have our own lives to maintain, but I can say I see promise of it being done sooner than later! Well, gotta run again but just thought I'd stop by and tell you the latest. It's sure been awhile... :-/